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Unturned For Mac

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Admin/admin [Steam ID | Player]This command makes a user administrator. The admin status grants permission to admin-only and server commands in chat.
Admins/adminsThis command lists the names of all users who have the administrator status on the server it is executed on.
Airdrop/airdropThis command forces the server to spawn an air drop at your current location.
Animal/animal [Steam ID | Player] [Animal ID]This command spawns an animal in an Unturned server. Animals include deer, moose, wolf, pig, bear, cow and reindeer.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Armor/armor [Barricade Multiplier] [Structure Multiplier]This command assigns the barricade and structure damage multiplier. Percentages should be given as decimals - i.e. a 0.5 multiplier would be 50%.
Ban/ban [Steam ID | Player] [Reason] [Duration]This command removes a user/steam ID from a server and prevents them from reconnecting for the specified duration.
Bans/bansThis command shows a list of all the users who are banned on an Unturned server.
Bind/bind [IP Address]This command binds the server to the specified IP address/socket.
Commands.dat Only
Camera/camera [Perspective]This command changes the camera perspective for all users on an Unturned server. The possible perspectives being: first, third, both (allowing the user to choose) and vehicle.
Commands.dat Only
Chatrate/chatrate [Delay]This command limits how fast players can send chat messages in an Unturned server.
Cheats/cheatsThis command toggles the availability of cheat commands on an Unturned server. It must be written in the commands.dat file - not in-game.
Commands.dat Only
Cycle/cycle [Duration]This command sets the duration of the day and night cycle on an Unturned server. A duration of 10 would mean that each day and night would last 10 seconds.
Day/dayThis command sets the current server/game time to day.
Debug/debugThis command prints out a list of server debug information into the chat such as network information, active animals and zombies and the server TPS. This can be useful in fixing lag.
Decay/decay [Decay Time]This command sets the barrier and structure decay of the server. When set to zero, decay is disabled.
Experience/experience [Steam ID | Player] [Experience Amount]This command gives a player experience in Unturned.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Filter/filterThis command filters alpha-numeric characters out of player names.
Commands.dat Only
Flag/flag [Steam ID | Player] [Flag] [Value]This command allows you to set and change any of a player's flags.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Gamemode/gamemode [Mode Class Name]This command can be used to change the gamemode of the server.
Commands.dat Only
Give/give [Steam ID | Player] [Item ID] [Amount]This command allows you to give yourself, or another player items in an Unturned server.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Gold/goldThis command makes it so that only Gold members can connect to the server. If already enabled, this will toggle the feature off when executed.
Commands.dat Only
Help/help [Command Name]This command sends you a message detailing help and information about an Unturned command.
Hide_Admins/hide_adminsThis command hides the admin status of players who are admin, so that regular players cannot see that they are administrators.
Commands.dat Only
Kick/kick [Steam ID | Player] [Reason]This command removes a player from an Unturned server with the kick message as the given reason.
Kill/kill [Steam ID | Player]This command kills a player on an Unturned server (sets their health to 0).
Loadout/loadout [Skillset ID] [Item IDs]This command allows you to set the loadout of all players, or those with a specific skillset. The loadout is the items a player spawns with.
Log/log [Chat] [Join / Leave] [Death] [Anticheat]This command sets the log options for the server - allowing you to choose what actions/events are printed/saved to the server log. E.g. /log Y/Y/N/Y
Map/map [Level Name]This command changes the map for the server that loads when the server starts up.
Commands.dat Only
MaxPlayers/maxplayers [Maximum Players]This command sets the maximum amount of players that can be connected to your server at any given time - also known as server slots.
Mode/mode [Difficulty Mode]This command changes the difficulty mode of the server - to easy, normal or hard.
Commands.dat Only
Mode/mode [Difficulty Mode]This command changes the difficulty mode of the server - to easy, normal or hard.
Modules/modulesThis command shows a list of all of the modules that are currently loaded.
Name/name [Server Name]This command changes the name of the server that shows in server lists (also known as an MOTD).
Night/nightThis command sets the server time to night.
Owner/owner [Steam ID]This command sets the server time to night.
Commands.dat Only
Password/password [Password]This command gives/sets the server password. The password is required to be entered by any player who tries to connect to the server.
Commands.dat Only
Permit/permit [Steam ID]This command adds the specified player name/steam ID to the list of players who are allowed to join when the server is whitelisted.
Permits/permitsThis command shows a list of all the players who are currently on whitelist - i.e. it shows who is allowed to join the server if the server is in whitelist mode.
Players/playersThis command shows a list of all the players who are currently connected to the Unturned server.
Port/port [Port]This command sets the port the server will run on.
Commands.dat Only
PvE/pveThis command enables PvE (plus versus environment) combat.
Commands.dat Only
Quest/quest [Steam ID] [Quest]This command assigns the specified player the specified quest to complete.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Queue/queue [Queue Max]This command sets the maximum amount of players that can queue to join the server at any given time.
Rain/rain [Minimum Frequency] [Maximum Frequency] [Minimum Time] [Maximum Time]This command sets the maximum amount of players that can queue to join the server at any given time.
Reputation/reputation [Steam ID] [Reputation Amount]This command gives a player reputation.
Cheats Must be Enabled
ResetConfig/resetconfigThis command resets the server config to the default configuration - undoing any changes you have previously made to the server.
Save/saveThis command forcefully saves the current state of the server meaning no progress can be lost from before the point the command was executed at.
Say/say [Message] [R] [G] [B]This command sends a message to all players currently connected to an Unturned server.
Shutdown/shutdown [Delay]This command stops the server, disconnecting all current players and saving the map.
Slay/slay [Steam ID] [Reason]This command permanently bans a player (and kills them).
Spy/spy [Steam ID]This command takes a picture of the game of the specified player, and saves it on the computer of the user who executed the command as Spy.jpg.
Sync/syncThis command enables the option for players to share savedata between servers.
Commands.dat Only
Teleport/teleport [Steam ID] [Steam ID]This command will teleport you to another player in Unturned, or if two steam IDs are entered, it will teleport the first player to the second player's location.
Time/time [Seconds]This command can be used to set the time of day or night in Unturned, the number provided is the amount of seconds through the day/night cycle you wish to.
Timeout/timeout [Max Ping]This command can be used to automatically kick players who have a latency (lag) higher than the given number.
Unadmin/unadmin [Steam ID | Player]This command can be used to remove the administrator status (demote) from another player on an Unturned server.
Unban/unban [Steam ID]This command can be used to remove a previously issued ban from a player in Unturned.
Unpermit/unpermit [Steam ID]This command can be used to remove a player from the server whitelist in Unturned.
Vehicle/vehicle [Steam ID] [Vehicle ID]This command can be used to spawn yourself, or give another player, a vehicle in an Unturned server. Vehicles include cars, boats, planes and helicopters.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Votify/votify [Vote Allowed Y/N] [Pass Cooldown] [Fail Cooldown] [Vote Duration] [Yes Percentage] [Minimum Players]This command can be used to spawn yourself, or give another player, a vehicle in an Unturned server. Vehicles include cars, boats, planes and helicopters.
Weather/weather [None | Storm | Blizzard]This command can be used to set the weather on an Unturned server (including turning off/stopping rain and snow).
Welcome/welcome [Welcome Message] [R] [G] [B]This command sets the welcome message that is shown to players when they join the Unturned server. This is shown in chat, not on server lists.
Whitelisted/whitelistedThis command enables the whitelist on an Unturned server, making it so that anyone who is not on the whitelist (permitted) cannot connect to the server.
Commands.dat Only

Unturned Download For Mac

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Unturned For Mac
Admin/admin [Steam ID | Player]This command makes a user administrator. The admin status grants permission to admin-only and server commands in chat.
Admins/adminsThis command lists the names of all users who have the administrator status on the server it is executed on.
Airdrop/airdropThis command forces the server to spawn an air drop at your current location.
Animal/animal [Steam ID | Player] [Animal ID]This command spawns an animal in an Unturned server. Animals include deer, moose, wolf, pig, bear, cow and reindeer.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Armor/armor [Barricade Multiplier] [Structure Multiplier]This command assigns the barricade and structure damage multiplier. Percentages should be given as decimals - i.e. a 0.5 multiplier would be 50%.
Ban/ban [Steam ID | Player] [Reason] [Duration]This command removes a user/steam ID from a server and prevents them from reconnecting for the specified duration.
Bans/bansThis command shows a list of all the users who are banned on an Unturned server.
Bind/bind [IP Address]This command binds the server to the specified IP address/socket.
Commands.dat Only
Camera/camera [Perspective]This command changes the camera perspective for all users on an Unturned server. The possible perspectives being: first, third, both (allowing the user to choose) and vehicle.
Commands.dat Only
Chatrate/chatrate [Delay]This command limits how fast players can send chat messages in an Unturned server.
Cheats/cheatsThis command toggles the availability of cheat commands on an Unturned server. It must be written in the commands.dat file - not in-game.
Commands.dat Only
Cycle/cycle [Duration]This command sets the duration of the day and night cycle on an Unturned server. A duration of 10 would mean that each day and night would last 10 seconds.
Day/dayThis command sets the current server/game time to day.
Debug/debugThis command prints out a list of server debug information into the chat such as network information, active animals and zombies and the server TPS. This can be useful in fixing lag.
Decay/decay [Decay Time]This command sets the barrier and structure decay of the server. When set to zero, decay is disabled.
Experience/experience [Steam ID | Player] [Experience Amount]This command gives a player experience in Unturned.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Filter/filterThis command filters alpha-numeric characters out of player names.
Commands.dat Only
Flag/flag [Steam ID | Player] [Flag] [Value]This command allows you to set and change any of a player's flags.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Gamemode/gamemode [Mode Class Name]This command can be used to change the gamemode of the server.
Commands.dat Only
Give/give [Steam ID | Player] [Item ID] [Amount]This command allows you to give yourself, or another player items in an Unturned server.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Gold/goldThis command makes it so that only Gold members can connect to the server. If already enabled, this will toggle the feature off when executed.
Commands.dat Only
Help/help [Command Name]This command sends you a message detailing help and information about an Unturned command.
Hide_Admins/hide_adminsThis command hides the admin status of players who are admin, so that regular players cannot see that they are administrators.
Commands.dat Only
Kick/kick [Steam ID | Player] [Reason]This command removes a player from an Unturned server with the kick message as the given reason.
Kill/kill [Steam ID | Player]This command kills a player on an Unturned server (sets their health to 0).
Loadout/loadout [Skillset ID] [Item IDs]This command allows you to set the loadout of all players, or those with a specific skillset. The loadout is the items a player spawns with.
Log/log [Chat] [Join / Leave] [Death] [Anticheat]This command sets the log options for the server - allowing you to choose what actions/events are printed/saved to the server log. E.g. /log Y/Y/N/Y
Map/map [Level Name]This command changes the map for the server that loads when the server starts up.
Commands.dat Only
MaxPlayers/maxplayers [Maximum Players]This command sets the maximum amount of players that can be connected to your server at any given time - also known as server slots.
Mode/mode [Difficulty Mode]This command changes the difficulty mode of the server - to easy, normal or hard.
Commands.dat Only
Mode/mode [Difficulty Mode]This command changes the difficulty mode of the server - to easy, normal or hard.
Modules/modulesThis command shows a list of all of the modules that are currently loaded.
Name/name [Server Name]This command changes the name of the server that shows in server lists (also known as an MOTD).
Night/nightThis command sets the server time to night.
Owner/owner [Steam ID]This command sets the server time to night.
Commands.dat Only
Password/password [Password]This command gives/sets the server password. The password is required to be entered by any player who tries to connect to the server.
Commands.dat Only
Permit/permit [Steam ID]This command adds the specified player name/steam ID to the list of players who are allowed to join when the server is whitelisted.
Permits/permitsThis command shows a list of all the players who are currently on whitelist - i.e. it shows who is allowed to join the server if the server is in whitelist mode.
Players/playersThis command shows a list of all the players who are currently connected to the Unturned server.
Port/port [Port]This command sets the port the server will run on.
Commands.dat Only
PvE/pveThis command enables PvE (plus versus environment) combat.
Commands.dat Only
Quest/quest [Steam ID] [Quest]This command assigns the specified player the specified quest to complete.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Queue/queue [Queue Max]This command sets the maximum amount of players that can queue to join the server at any given time.
Rain/rain [Minimum Frequency] [Maximum Frequency] [Minimum Time] [Maximum Time]This command sets the maximum amount of players that can queue to join the server at any given time.
Reputation/reputation [Steam ID] [Reputation Amount]This command gives a player reputation.
Cheats Must be Enabled
ResetConfig/resetconfigThis command resets the server config to the default configuration - undoing any changes you have previously made to the server.
Save/saveThis command forcefully saves the current state of the server meaning no progress can be lost from before the point the command was executed at.
Say/say [Message] [R] [G] [B]This command sends a message to all players currently connected to an Unturned server.
Shutdown/shutdown [Delay]This command stops the server, disconnecting all current players and saving the map.
Slay/slay [Steam ID] [Reason]This command permanently bans a player (and kills them).
Spy/spy [Steam ID]This command takes a picture of the game of the specified player, and saves it on the computer of the user who executed the command as Spy.jpg.
Sync/syncThis command enables the option for players to share savedata between servers.
Commands.dat Only
Teleport/teleport [Steam ID] [Steam ID]This command will teleport you to another player in Unturned, or if two steam IDs are entered, it will teleport the first player to the second player's location.
Time/time [Seconds]This command can be used to set the time of day or night in Unturned, the number provided is the amount of seconds through the day/night cycle you wish to.
Timeout/timeout [Max Ping]This command can be used to automatically kick players who have a latency (lag) higher than the given number.
Unadmin/unadmin [Steam ID | Player]This command can be used to remove the administrator status (demote) from another player on an Unturned server.
Unban/unban [Steam ID]This command can be used to remove a previously issued ban from a player in Unturned.
Unpermit/unpermit [Steam ID]This command can be used to remove a player from the server whitelist in Unturned.
Vehicle/vehicle [Steam ID] [Vehicle ID]This command can be used to spawn yourself, or give another player, a vehicle in an Unturned server. Vehicles include cars, boats, planes and helicopters.
Cheats Must be Enabled
Votify/votify [Vote Allowed Y/N] [Pass Cooldown] [Fail Cooldown] [Vote Duration] [Yes Percentage] [Minimum Players]This command can be used to spawn yourself, or give another player, a vehicle in an Unturned server. Vehicles include cars, boats, planes and helicopters.
Weather/weather [None | Storm | Blizzard]This command can be used to set the weather on an Unturned server (including turning off/stopping rain and snow).
Welcome/welcome [Welcome Message] [R] [G] [B]This command sets the welcome message that is shown to players when they join the Unturned server. This is shown in chat, not on server lists.
Whitelisted/whitelistedThis command enables the whitelist on an Unturned server, making it so that anyone who is not on the whitelist (permitted) cannot connect to the server.
Commands.dat Only

Unturned Download For Mac

Unturned For Mac

Support the Channel - Get your server made for you - mod - forward - https://y. Unturned is a Steam game that was released for Windows, Mac and Linux on the 8th of July 2017; before this it had been available on Steam as early access for over 3 years - since the 28th of May 2014. Unturned Hacks For Mac Free 2017. By rhinmerosa1972 Follow Public. Unturned Hacks 2017 Pc Mogelpower Includes; User-friendly, Ill just sneak up and just get resources I want. You are unable to get rocks or slice decreased plants to art some fundamental remedies. Unturned is a popular zombie survival game that was released in 2014 and is available for free download on Steam. This game allows for both singleplayer and multiplayer modes, many different maps, community created mods that you can add to your game, and a map editor so you can create your own maps.

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